ES-8 System Program ( Ver.2.05 )

When updating from ES-8 version 2.01 or earlier, the procedure in "Returning to the Factory Settings (Factory Reset)" must be carried out after updating to return settings to their default values.
* When updating from ES-8 version 2.03 or later, the operation in "Returning to the Factory Settings (Factory Reset)" is not necessary. Carry out only the operation in "Step 1: Updating to ES-8 Version 2.05."

Before you start, check the system program version of your ES-8.
  1. Hold down [EDIT] button and connect the AC adaptor.
    The power comes on and the version is displayed on the LCD screen.
    * If this shows the latest version (version 2.05 or later), there's no need to update your ES-8.
  2. After verifying the displayed version, switch off the power.

[ Ver.2.05 ] AUG 2020
Bug Fix
The following bug was fixed.
  • No sound comes out with a specific connection setting that uses "Separate."

[ Ver.2.04 ] JAN 2020
Bug Fix
The following bug was fixed.
  • At specific LOOP STRUCTURE settings, sound fails to play.

[ Ver.2.03 ] NOV 2019
Bug Fixes
The following bugs were fixed.
  • Incorrect data is sometimes output from EXT CTL jacks EXP 1 and 2.
  • When a patch-saving operation (write, copy, or exchange) is performed, in extremely rare cases, the data cannot be saved correctly.

[ Ver.2.01 ] APR 2017
Bug Fix
The following bug was fixed.
  • The problem of MIDI synchronization wavering when the expression pedal is operated was corrected.

[ Ver.2.00 ] MAR 2017
Please refer to the "ES-8 Version 2 Supplementary Manual" for detailed information in the [ Owner's Manuals ].
Additional Functions
  • "Separate" Added as an Effect Loop Connection Type
  • Link Function Added
  • "Patch MIDI" Added as an Assign Target
  • Added Patch/System Parameters
  • Support for ES-8 Editor Added
Functionality Improvement
  • Loop On/Off Screen (Play Screen) Indications Changed

ES-8 Ver.2 is not compatible with ES-8 Ver.1 MIDI system exclusive parameters.
For data saved using Bulk Dump, restore this data to the ES-8 before updating, and then carry out the update.

  • ES-8
  • USB-MIDI interface (Roland UM-ONE mk2, etc.)
  • Two MIDI Cables
  • A computer with a USB 2.0 connector ( Windows, Mac )
  • ES-8 Editor for Windows and UpdSMF ( SMF Player for Windows )
    ES-8 Editor for macOS / OS X and UpdSMF ( SMF Player for macOS / OS X )

  • If you update on the normal mode of ES-8 against the correct procedrue, this update data may destroy the system program.
  • Never power-off your ES-8 while the update is in progress!
    If a power failure or similar accident occurs during the update process, the ES-8 won’t be able to start up in normal operating mode. This will require servicing, so you will need to contact Roland service center near you if this occurs.
  • We regret that we are unable to answer questions regarding the update procedure using this system program. Please perform the update responsibly, following the directions given in this document.

Please open/extract the downloaded "" file on your computer to get the update files named "001UPD.mid" and "002APP.mid" in the "es8_sys_v205" folder.

Follow the procedure below to install the extracted system programs onto the ES-8.
* Never power-off the ES-8 while the update is in progress.
* For more information on how to work with ES-8 Editor, go to [Owner's Manuals] and refer to "ES-8 Editor Owner's Manual."

Step 1: Updating to ES-8 Version 2.05
  1. Using a MIDI cable, connect the MIDI OUT connector on the USB-MIDI interface to the MIDI IN connector on the ES-8.
  2. Hold down [DISPLAY/EXIT] button and [RIGHT arrow] button on the ES-8, then connect the AC adaptor.
    The message UPd appears on the 7-segment LED display.
  3. On the computer, run UpdSMF.
  4. Set MIDI Out Device to the connected USB-MIDI interface.
  5. Click [ Path ] (click [ Select... ] for Mac) on "UpdSMF" and specify the location where the update file ( 001UPD.mid, 002APP.mid ) is from SMF Path (SMF Folder for Mac). Then, click the [ OK ] button.
  6. Click [ Scan SMF ] (unnecessary for Mac) to check that the update file ( 001UPD.mid, 002APP.mid ) is displayed in the file list.
  7. Click Send.
    Sending of the update program starts.
    When the message ok appears on the display, the update has finished.
  8. Disconnect the AC adaptor and turn off the power.
  9. Please verify the version number "2.03" with the procedure described in "How to tell the version" part of this document.

* When updating from ES-8 version 2.03 or later, the following operations are not necessary.

Step 2: Saving Settings Using ES-8 Editor's "Librarian" - Saving All Settings of the ES-8 Unit (EXPORT)
  1. Using a MIDI cable, connect the MIDI OUT connector on the USB-MIDI interface to the MIDI IN connector on the ES-8.
    Using a MIDI cable, connect the MIDI IN connector on the USB-MIDI interface to the MIDI OUT connector on the ES-8.
  2. After starting ES-8 Editor, click [Option], then select the MIDI interface used by MIDI Device IN and MIDI Device OUT.
  3. Click the [CONNECT] button.
    If connections are correct, the editor automatically starts communicating with the ES-8.
  4. Click the [Librarian] button.
  5. Click [EXPORT].
  6. Select the save-destination to specify it.
  7. Click [Save].
    The editor communicates with the ES-8 unit, and saves all settings to a file.

Step 3: Operating the ES-8 Version 2.05 Unit to Initialize It - Restoring the Factory Settings (Factory Reset)
  1. Press the [EDIT] button.
  2. Select "UTILITY," and press the [ENTER] button.
  3. Select "Factory Reset."
  4. Specify the range as shown below.
    Frm: Sys
    To: 99-8
  5. Press the [ENTER] button to execute the operation.

Step 4: Using ES-8 Editor's "Librarian" to Transfer Settings to the ES-8 - Transferring Settings from a Saved File into the ES-8 (IMPORT)
  1. Using a MIDI cable, connect the MIDI OUT connector on the USB-MIDI interface to the MIDI IN connector on the ES-8.
    Using a MIDI cable, connect the MIDI IN connector on the USB-MIDI interface to the MIDI OUT connector on the ES-8.
  2. After starting ES-8 Editor, transmission to the ES-8 starts automatically when a normal connection is established.
  3. Click the [Librarian] button.
  4. Click [IMPORT].
  5. Select the file in which the settings are saved.
  6. Click [Open].
    A confirmation message appears, informing you that the settings of the ES-8 unit itself will be rewritten.
  7. If it is OK for the settings of the ES-8 unit to be overwritten, click [EXECUTE].
    The editor communicates with the ES-8 unit, and all settings saved in the file are sent to the ES-8 unit.