GT-10 System Program (Ver.1.02)

Check your Version Number before download the program. You don't need to update if the Version is the latest.
  1. Hold down [DISPLAY MODE] button and turn on the power.
    Continue to hold down [DISPLAY MODE] until "GT-10 GUITAR EFFECTS PROCESSOR" is displayed.
    Then GT-10 VERSION is displayed.
  2. Check the Version Number.
  3. Turn off the power.
  • GT-10 that will be updated
  • PC with "UpdSMF.exe" or MIDI sequencer that can send SMF file.
    Note: A PC with "UpdSMF.exe" is recommended because this update program includes a lot of MIDI System exclusive messages.
  • MIDI cable or USB cable
  • Note: If you use USB connection, you have to install the GT-10 USB Driver before this update.
  • We recommend that you save your user patches before you perform the update though this update doesn't clear user memories.
    If a problem occurs and your user patches are lost, you will be able to restore the original state by reloading the data you saved.
  • Don't use this system program for any product other than the GT-10. Doing so may damage the data or system of your other product.
  • Do not power-off the GT-10 while the update is in progress.
    If the power should accidentally fail during the update, the GT-10 system will be damaged, and the unit may become inoperable.
  • We regret that we cannot answer questions regarding the procedure of installing this system program. You must perform the installation on your own responsibility, in accordance with the information provided in this document.
Download "" into a suitable folder.
After decompressing the zip archive file, "gt10_sys_v102" folder will appear, which includes 32 SMF files (gt10_002.mid - gt10_032.mid, gt10_065.mid).

For Windows users;
Decompress the zip file by double-click and other means.
For Mac users;
Decompress the zip file by double-click and other means.
  1. Make sure the GT-10 power switch is off.
  2. Connect the PC's MIDI OUT to the GT-10 MIDI IN.
    If you use USB connection, connect the PC and the GT-10 with a USB cable.
    Note: If you use USB connection, you have to install the GT-10 USB Driver before this update.
  3. Simultaneously hold down [CHANNEL SELECT], [DISPLAY MODE] and [WRITE] and turn on the power.
    Update Mode starts. After several seconds the display changes as below.
    BOOT:V*.** FIRM:V*.**
    Waiting SMF...
    ................ .
  4. Send gt10_002.mid through _gt10_032.mid and gt10_065.mid in numerical order from the external SMF player.
    Note: This takes approximately 30 minutes. If you use a PC, preliminarily set not to go to sleep in sending the SMF.

    Example using UpdSMF (for Windows)
    1. Double click the UpdSMF icon.
    2. Choose the MIDI Device from "MIDI Out Device" list. If you use USB connection, choose [BOSS GT-10]
    3. Click "Path" and set the folder where the SMF files exist.
      Because all the SMF files in the "Path" will be sent, delete the other SMF files.
      In case of UpdSMF for Mac OS X, Click "Select...".
    4. Click "Scan SMF", then the SMF files that are supposed to be sent are listed up.
      In case of UpdSMF for Mac OS X, pass this step over.
      Click "Send" then sending stars.

    GT-10 display changes as below.
    BOOT:V*.** FIRM:V*.**
    Now Receiving...
    ................ .
  5. After receiving all the SMF files, the GT-10 starts Writing.
    Don't turn off the power while GT-10 displays as below.
    BOOT:V*.** FIRM:V*.**
    Now Writing...
    ................ o
  6. When the update is finished, "Completed" appears.
    BOOT:V*.** FIRM:V*.**
    ................ o
    Turn off the GT-10 power switch, and pull off the MIDI cable or USB cable.
  7. Make sure if the GT-10 is updated correctly.
    1. Hold down [DISPLAY MODE] button and turn on the power.
      Continue to hold down [DISPLAY MODE] button until "GT-10 GUITAR EFFECTS PROCESSOR" is displayed.
      After several seconds the GT-10 VERSION is displayed.
    2. Make sure that the Version Number is 1.02.
    3. Turn off the power.